An aerial view of Lake George

In-state residency

To receive the lowest tuition rate, you must provide proof you are an in-state resident. (State Education Law mandates it.) A Certificate of Residence (COR) allows SUNY Adirondack to bill your home county for part of your tuition costs, which helps pay for your education and gets you the best rate.

Students are responsible for filing a Certificate of Residency each year to ensure you receive a resident rate.  

You are considered a New York resident if:

  • Your permanent residence is in New York state and you have lived there for a year or more immediately before registration; OR
  • You are a resident alien and have permanent residence in New York state for a year or more immediately before registration; OR
  • You are in the armed services (or married to someone in the armed services) on active duty and stationed in New York state (a copy of your active military ID is required)

Notes about residency:

  • A student's legal residence is presumed to be the residence of the parent, guardian or any other permanent residence before enrollment. Residence is not gained or lost by attending college and such attendance does not change a student’s legal residence.
  • A married student or one working full time in New York for more than a year may establish his or her own residence.
  • The address of a vacation home or a residence while away at school does not qualify as a permanent residence. 
  • Students who have not resided in the state for at least one year or who have a permanent residence in another state must pay the non-resident tuition rate.
What to do

Students outside Warren and Washington counties should download a form or request one (they are available below) from their county office.

Once you receive the document from your county, you can submit the Certificate of Residence, within 21 days of the start of classes,  in one of several ways:

Certificate of residency

Warren and Washington counties are SUNY Adirondack's sponsoring counties.

FAQs about COR

New York State Education Law requires all students to show proof of residence upon enrolling in a community college. A Certificate of Residence allows SUNY Adirondack to bill your home county for part of your tuition costs, which helps pay for your education. 

Certificate of Residence forms can be completed no more than 60 days before and no later than 30 days after the start of classes. New York state counties are only required to issue and honor Certificates of Residence within this timeframe. After the first 30 days of classes, most counties will no longer issue a Certificate of Residence, which means the student must pay non-resident tuition charges.

The validity of your certificate of residence is dependent upon your home county. Most certificates are valid for one year based on semester (not by date). If a certificate is submitted and then you do not attend, the certificate is void and is no longer valid.          

 If you have any questions, please contact Student Accounts at or 518-743-2266.






We understand things come up, honestly. But New York State Education Law grants students 30 days from the start of classes to get a certificate from your home county, so please make sure you file it within that timeframe. 

If you are denied a certificate of residence from your home county, you may appeal to SUNY System Administration for reversal. Such appeal communication should contain your contact information and details about the denial from the county. Please note that denials can only be reversed if either the county or the college made an error or did not follow relevant legal requirements. You can submit appeals by email to or by physical mail to Johanna Duncan-Poitier, senior vice chancellor for Community Colleges and the Education Pipeline, SUNY H. Carl McCall Building, 353 Broadway, Albany, NY 12246. Please note that CUNY community colleges student appeals must be directed to CUNY at

Business Office

Business Office/Student Accounts/Bursar's Office